Feeling very . . . Monday?

Oooff, I spent decades – and I’m not exaggerating when I say, I spent decades dreading Monday. It just always seemed the thing to do. It was a communal misery, the perpetual desire to be in or near the weekend.

What a way to live.

My Mom always said the same thing to me when I was much younger and I would exclaim my excitement for some date in the future, or say I wish it was Friday – don’t wish your life away.

Of course, I never understood that as a child, children are blessed with an abundance of tomorrows, and the idea I could wish those away was preposterous. Until one Sunday night just a few years ago when I was getting depressed about the weekend being over already – that I was doing exactly that. I was wishing my life away.

It got to the point where it honestly felt like it was always Sunday night. So, I was already setting myself up for a rough Monday morning. And an unconscious week.

Think about that for a moment – you are trying to rush through 5 whole days – just to get to 2. No wonder those two days are FLYING by every single time. We’ve conditioned ourselves to race through five.

It’s a big indicator of living out of alignment. When you are so out of touch, out of balance within yourself that you are willing to rush through five days in a blur to get to that freedom of 2 days off. We’ve got a problem.

I had a big problem. I wasn’t living. A huge chunk of my life was mired in a desire to get to a weekend or an event or some future date that would make me happy. Missing out completely on what was right in front of me, NOW.

And being in alignment is being present with yourself in the moment, in every moment. Unconscious living deprives us of so much of the beauty that exists in the small, simple moments that surround us all the time.

I know there are a million other things you could be doing at home when you are at work. I know that the daily grind can get you down. Those day-to-day things can make you feel so out of touch, so angry that you are losing a part of yourself to the drama that is life in the ‘real world’.

I’m here to tell you – the real world is inside you. Not out there. That every bit of happiness that you desire is within your reach because it’s been your power all along. And all it takes is a small mindset adjustment to get there. And to stay there, and when you get pulled out, these mindset changes can pull you back to happiness once you’ve become accustomed to them.

Pick out small parts of your job and your weekdays that you DO enjoy, and focus on them. An action, a co-worker. Whatever it is that you like and pay closer attention to it. Be more mindful of that action you enjoy, savor it. Like I said in my podcast, I enjoy typing. I always have. So that is what I focus on. The feel of the tips of my fingers striking the keyboard. When you train your brain to start to see the parts of your day you enjoy, your brain will begin to pick up more of the things you enjoy. You see, our mind filters out 95% of what is around us. Giving us what it’s been trained to believe is important to us. So, re-training ourselves to see positives rather than the negatives we’re used to, opens up the ability to see more of the positive.

The next time you find yourself dreading Monday – stop. Take a breath and count to five then release counting to five. Look around for one thing you can be grateful for. Touch your surroundings. Tell yourself, that Friday will come, smile and anchor into to now by placing your hand over your heart and feel into the breath of life that fills your lungs. Take yourself out of the dread and into your heart center, picking one thing in your life that you are truly grateful for. Look out your window or take a walk, look for something beautiful.

These tiny moments are going to make a big impact – on your overall health and well-being.

I am sending you so much love and light, I hope, from now on, that Monday can take on new meaning.

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